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Snow Hare in Watercolour

Snow Hare in Watercolour

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  • On-Demand course

  • 35 minutes

  • All levels


A complete mini watercolour painting course. Create a watercolour painting of a wintery scene featuring a Snow Hare, using an unusual technique to add a snowflake-textured background. Perfect for all skill levels, this step by step video includes audio at the start and captions throughout, walking you through every stage from beginning to end!

In addition you have access to our Basics of Watercolour reference video, with lots of useful advice and info on materials and technique demos. So whether you’re a beginner or more experienced, this complete course has everything you need to create beautiful paintings in watercolour.

Course includes:

1 Basics of Watercolour video

1 Snow Hare project video

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Course Content

1 sections5 lessons
Contents5 lessons
  1. 1Snow Hare in Watercolour
  2. 2Video lesson
  3. 3Course Materials
  4. 4Reference Images
  5. 5Basics of Watercolour video
